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Madison, WI

Job Opportunities

Trinity College Dublin
The University of Dublin


School of Drama, Film and Music
The John Sherlock Assistant Professor in Screenwriting (5-year contract)


An exciting opportunity for applicants who have completed a MFA or PhD in a relevant area, or have professional experience as a screenwriter of national or international standing. Completed applications will demonstrate evidence of research potential and teaching, and the appointee will be expected to contribute to, develop and teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Screenwriting and Creative Practice. S/he will be expected to develop links with the film and creative technology industries both in Ireland and overseas.


The post is tenable from 1st September, 2013.


Further information is available from and all applications must be made by e-Recruitment. The closing date for receipt of applications will be no later than 12 noon on 14th February, 2013.


Trinity College Dublin is an equal opportunities employer.



Head of Department of Film Studies
School of Drama, Film and Music
Samuel Beckett Centre
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2


Tel: 353-1-8962961


Rex Ingram project:


Hedy Lamarr: The Most Beautiful Woman in Film







Media Arts & Culture Program

Occidental College, Los Angeles


Position open for instructor of Narrative Practices in Time-Based Media


Send a brief cover letter and resume to Broderick Fox at as soon as possible. Candidates will be considered until the position has been filled.


Occidental’s Media Arts and Culture Program seeks a part-time faculty member for a one-year Narrative Practices in Time-Based Media appointment, helping to deepen the screenwriting trajectory of our major. We are seeking candidates with both critical (Ph.D. or M.A. in critical studies or equivalent field) and professional creative experiences writing for screen cultures.


The reason we call the courses “narrative practices” and not screenwriting outright is rooted in our aim to expand students’ notions of storytelling for the screen beyond their typical imaginings of the screenwriter. We want students to explore and develop the particular propensities of writing for screen cultures rather than via other modes of narrative expression (prose, playwriting, etc.).


Inherent in the liberal arts history/theory/praxis model we seek to cultivate writers who are not only versed in structure and character development, but who ground their creative imagining in the global histories, politics, and cultural ideologies of screen genres and who actively seek to extend or challenge these traditions through their own innovative storytelling.


The position would entail teaching three courses and mentoring senior thesis students writing feature-length screenplays. The candidate would teach our ArtM 220 Narrative Practices introductory course in the fall and another section of the 220 introductory class, along with a section of ArtM 320 Advanced Narrative Practices, our advanced course, in the spring.


The candidate would also mentor our senior screenwriting thesis students over the course of the year as they critically and historically contextualize and write feature screenplays. We will likely have 3-4 screenwriting seniors in 2013-2014.


Full details on our program can be found at: