Conference Hotel
Lowell Center – 610 Langdon St
- Use this link to book your room When you book your room, please use the conference code, which will be emailed to all participants.
- The conference has booked a block of 72 rooms at the Lowell Center. The rooms come in standard or deluxe. For singles, standard costs $89, and deluxe costs $110. Each additional person costs an additional $12 per night. The price includes tax and continental breakfast.
- 0.35 miles (all distances are measured from Vilas Hall, 821 University Ave).
The Lowell Center was carefully chosen for its convenience, price, and location, but here are some other options:
Union South – 1308 W Dayton St
- 0.77 miles
Dahlmann Campus Inn – 601 Langdon St
- 0.36 miles
Double Tree– 525 W Johnson
- 0.59 miles
Fluno Center– 601 University Ave
- 0.16 miles
HotelRED– 1501 Monroe St
- 1.25 miles